Q&A Episode – Bodybuilder’s Eating Disorder, Low DHEA, and Red Spots

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Rip answers questions from Starting Strength Network subscribers and fans.

  • 02:03 Comments from the Haters!
  • 11:34 Getting Mom to start lifting
  • 17:08 4-day split/hook grip
  • 25:52 Advanced lifting is a greater stress
  • 30:51 Bodybuilder’s starving himself
  • 38:45 Deadlift stalling while on a “cut”
  • 42:32 Red spots on skin after lifting
  • 44:57 Hip flexor tendonitis
  • 49:57 Low DHEA
  • 52:24 New car
  • 59:42 Which pathway is ATP created in?

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Credit : Source Post

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