Women’s History Month Reading List: 11 Books

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Looking for a Women’s History Month reading list? You found it! There are countless books that celebrate women and our rich history, so we’ve picked a small sampling of women’s history month books you’ll love reading.

Women’s History Month is all about celebrating the achievements of women throughout history and their contributions to society. Women create this world – literally and metaphorically. We are creators by nature, and there is a certain divine power in that.

From prominent leaders in our government and society, to women who have changed the course of history, famous comedians and beloved icons . . . we can’t fit all there is to be celebrated into a single month (or reading list!), but we have created a roundup of standout books that range from historic to contemporary, and funny to seriously inspiring.

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11 Books You Simply Must Read This Women’s History Month

We know there are countless books that celebrate Women’s History Month – and women from all over the world all year long. In no particular order, we share a broad selection of popular and impactful book recommendations that are perfect for Women’s History Month.

1. Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Don’t be fooled by the small size of Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions. This incredibly powerful book is packed with wisdom and empowerment for women. It is a national bestseller written by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the award winning author of We Should All Be Feminists (a bonus reading suggestion for Women’s History Month).

2. My Own Words by Ruth Bader Ginsburg

2 my own wordsUniquely formatted as a collection of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s most prolific writing and speeches, My Own Words celebrates one of the US’s most influential and infamous women. A Women’s History Month reading list would not be complete without this book!

3. Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World

3 women in scienceLooking for an inspirational round-up of women in history who have literally changed the world? Women in Science: 50 Fearless Pioneers Who Changed the World is it. InStyle calls this book “The must-read, girl-power STEM book.” With beautiful illustrations that make this book perfect for any age, it’s a great addition to your Women’s History Month reading list for everyone in the family!

4. Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg

lean inEven if you haven’t read this book, you’ve probably heard “Lean In” being tossed around as a catchphrase inspiring women to go after everything they desire. Sandberg aims to inspire women to ask for what they want. This best-selling book celebrates women with ambition, and describes how we can powerfully harness that ambition.


5. Becoming by Michelle Obama

5 becomingBecoming is a beloved memoir from a beloved former First Lady of the United States, none other than Michelle Obama. As an iconic leader and champion of women and girls, this Women’s History Month book recommendation is an inspiring and empowering reminder of what we are truly capable of.

6. A Year of Self Motivation for Women by Ashton August

6 a year of self motivationA standout in the motivational genre, A Year of Self Motivation for Women offers daily motivation specifically for women.

Written by YouAligned founder Ashton August, this powerful book is perfect for Women’s History Month reading (and makes a great gift!) because it features empowering quotes from influential women making history. Along with short guided practices and daily affirmations, A Year of Self Motivation for Women is meant to empower women every single day.

7. Circe by Madeline Miller

7 circeCirce is receiving a lot of praise and popularity as “the goddess story” – it recasts Circe, “the most infamous female figure from the Odyssey as a hero in her own right” as reviewed by the New York Times. A bestselling fiction novel, this Women’s History Month book celebrates feminine power in a male dominated world.

8. Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brené Brown

daring greatlyThere are many incredible books by Brené Brown that are worthy of being on this list. Daring Greatly is a timeless classic for female empowerment and the motivation to show up courageously – and vulnerably – in all areas of our lives. When we do, we not only empower ourselves – we also give other women permission to do the same.

Another Brené Brown must read Women’s History Month book recommendation? Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

9. I Don’t Want to Be an Empath Anymore by Ora North

empath 1Classified as a self-help book, I Don’t Want to Be an Empath Anymore is a great read for Women’s History Month because it helps us tap into our own amazing and powerful feminine energy.

North’s no-nonsense approach to diving into complex emotions is equally comforting and inspiring, and she combines her insights with challenges for you to do the work along with her.

Want to read the full book review? You can read it here.

10. How to Be a Woman by Caitlin Moran

how to be womenHow to Be a Woman explores how female rights and empowerment are both a societal issue and a societal responsibility. Caitlin Moran dives into anecdotes from her own life to illustrate what it’s like being a woman in the modern world. She explores societal expectations placed on women and questions why they exist to begin with.

A thought-provoking read that’s filled with equal parts humor and insight, How to Be a Woman is a great addition to this reading list.

11. Why Not Me? by Mindy Kaling

why not meFor a fun, light read, Mindy Kaling’s Why Not Me? is an enjoyable peek into her life. Kaling explores contentment, belonging, and finding excitement in an on-brand, hilarious way. If you’ve ever felt like you were at a crossroads in life, this book is a hilarious take on one woman’s revelations at that very same crossroad.

If you like this book, you will also love Tina Tey’s hilarious and inspiring memoir, Bossypants (another bonus Women’s History Month book recommendation!).

Read These Women’s History Month Books as a Celebration of Women Everywhere

We can learn so much from the stories of other women. We can learn new perspectives and be inspired by the work of other badass women making history past and present. Books are an incredible gift. They broaden our perspective, they stretch the limit of what we thought possible, and they open our minds to all that we are truly capable of.

It is so important that we continue to honor and celebrate and share the legacy that these women – and all women – have had on us and our society as a whole.

This Women’s History Month, let’s make a point to support other women and remind ourselves of the work and sacrifices of generations before us. Happy Women’s History Month!

Want more amazing book recommendations for women? Check out: 10 Must-Read Empowering Books for Every Woman

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