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Interested in yoga poses for sex? You and your partner can have fun exploring which yoga poses double as sex positions in this article, so read on!
Yoga is one of the most beneficial mind and body practices you can give yourself. Sex, like yoga, is an extremely natural yet sacred thing that happens to the mind, body and heart. Sex and yoga alone are a total body workout, so combining the two seems to just make sense.
Yoga-inspired sex poses? Yes please!
There are many yoga poses that can double as sex positions.
Odds are that you’re already combining sex and yoga. . . So why not feed two birds with one seed by performing yoga poses during sexy time with your partner for a full body workout that’s also incredibly sensual and enjoyable?
Side note: You and your partner do not need to be experienced yoga practitioners to take these yoga poses to the bedroom. . . or counter-top . . . wherever you both prefer that day! 😉
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Here Are 5 Yoga Poses That Double as Sex Positions for an Out-Of-This-World Experience:
The following yoga poses for sex are beginner-friendly, so you can explore which are accessible in your body and which feel best during sex.
Be sure that both you and your partner use clear and direct communication throughout the experience. Tell your partner what you like and what isn’t working, and use this time to both enjoy new sex positions and also deepen your connection with each other.
10 Practical Tips to Express Your Sexual Desires to Your Partner
1. Bridge Pose
How to Practice: Lay on your back, and placing your feet hip-width apart, begin to lift the seat off the mat (or bed) until your knees are in line with your hips. Draw your shoulder blades together, keeping them on the ground while interlacing your fingers beneath the hips.
Tip: To make this more of a passive position, you can place a yoga block, bolster, or pillow beneath your lower back for a supported variation of this yoga pose for sex.
Body Benefit: Bridge Pose stretches the hip flexors, quads and torso, tones the glutes, and also tones the vagina because you are squeezing the pelvic floor (same effect as doing kegels), which will in turn improve your orgasms. Yes please!
2. Cat/Cow Stretch
How to Practice: Start in a table-top position, wrists under your shoulders and knees under your hips. Spread your fingers wide to protect your wrists, and do a few cat/cow stretches to warm up your spine before getting into your sex position.
Tip: If you’re having sex in this yoga pose on a hard surface, tuck your toes and/or place a folded blanket beneath your knees for added support.
Body Benefit: Cat/Cow is a great yoga pose for spinal health. Practicing these two poses together helps stretch and compress your spine, increase blood flow to the spinal column, and keep your spinal discs hydrated. This pose is also great for your posture.
If you keep your pelvic floor engaged while you practice Cat/Cow, it can also strengthen the kegel muscles. The kegel muscles are what’s contracting when you orgasm, so this practice over time can make your orgasms much more controlled.
3. Happy Baby Pose
How to Practice: Lay on your back, and start by hugging your knees into your chest. Take a breath or two here and then allow your knees to open and the bottom of your feet to face the ceiling. Flex your feet, grab onto the inner or outer blade and gently pull your thighs towards the floor.
Body Benefit: This yoga pose gently stretches the hips, inner groin, and hamstrings. Happy Baby increases circulation, which calms the mind, open the hips, and allows the spine to relax. This yoga pose is great for sex because it aids in increasing your libido and making you feel good with easy clitoral stimulation.
4. Cobra Pose
How to Practice: Laying on your stomach with your chin on the mat or bed, plant your palms beneath your shoulders. Use an inhale to lift your chin and chest, as your hips and lower body press firmly down into the floor.
Tip: If you have a sensitive lower back, or if you just want to try a different position with your legs, try spreading your ankles wider towards the edges of your mat (or wider than your hips).
Body Benefit: Cobra Pose stimulates the sexual centers within the body, particularly by strengthening the core and pelvic region. Practicing Cobra Pose can increase your stamina and sexual performance. Your body’s positioning can make you climax faster because of where you and your partner connect.
5. Plow Pose
How to Practice: Starting on your back, lift your legs skyward. From there, bring your hands to your low back for support, and begin to hinge at the hips as you allow your legs to lower towards the floor beyond your head. Your legs can remain straight, or you can bring a bend into the knees.
Tip: Plow is a more advanced yoga pose that doubles as a sexual position. Take this one slow and be sure to not move your head or neck once your legs are in the air. If it feels too intense for you, then back out of the pose and try Happy Baby (#3 on this list) instead.
Body Benefit: This yoga pose stimulates the full body. It stretches the spine, bringing fresh blood to your brain and pelvic area. Once that blood flow increases to both the brain and pelvis, your orgasm will be as strong as ever.
Try These Yoga Positions for Sensual and Orgasmic Sex
To some yoga practitioners (myself included), both yoga and sex alone are soul-striking, passionate acts. When you practice yoga or have sex, it’s an intimate act that reminds you how to really feel in the moment, and in turn impacts how you then perceive and act in the world.
The beauty in combining a yoga pose into a sexual position is in the creativity and intimacy it fosters between you and your partner. It’s also a fun way to bridge your yoga practice with your sex life.
Take care of your body and take full advantage of these yoga poses for sex along with their many benefits. Your body, mind, and partner will thank you!
Sex After-Care: Try A Loving Kindness Meditation with Your Partner

Meditation Class
With Ashley Limehouse
Stay deep and in the loving container with your partner after sex with this Loving Kindness Meditation on YA Classes. This short seated meditation creates more satisfaction and happiness in our selves and in our relationships. Try seated next to or facing your partner for after-care sweet connection.
Photography by Michael Chow Media – MichaelChowMedia.com
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