12 Low Glycemic Fruits for People with Diabetes

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The glycemic value of the fruit defines how quickly it releases glucose into the bloodstream. High glycemic fruits like mango, ripped banana, watermelon, and pineapple release glucose quickly, which causes a steep increase in blood sugar levels. This might not be helping a person with diabetes as they are already struggling to control their blood sugar. A sudden spike can worsen their health condition and can lead to the risk of organ failure. Here, low-glycemic fruits such as strawberries, plums, apples, avocados, etc., can effectively help with diabetes management. They contain sugar called fructose which is not easily absorbed by the body, causing a gradual spike in blood glucose levels. Also, they are rich in fiber, keeping you full for a longer time and avoiding frequent cravings. This, in turn, manages healthy weight, prevents obesity, and controls diabetes. Here, explore the article to know the best low-glycemic fruits you can have.

Understanding The Glycemic Index?

The glycemic Index (GI) is a scale that ranks the different types of fruits based on how they are likely to impact your normal blood sugar levels. Fruits with a higher glycemic index may cause a quick rise in your blood sugar compared to lower glycemic index fruits. So, to manage your diabetes, choose to have Low GI fruits. The GI rating of fruits includes:

  • Low GI: 55 or below
  • Medium GI: 56 to 69
  • High GI: 70 and above

The lower the glycemic index of fruits, the slower they will cause a rise in blood sugar levels, making it easy for the body to manage any bodily changes after you eat. So, here we have lists of some fruits that are low glycemic. But first, learn what low GI fruits are.

What Are Low Glycemic Fruits?

Low glycemic index fruits consist of less fructose(a type of sugar naturally occurring in fruits) than other fruit types. They are a great source of fibers that effectively slow digestion and prevent the risks of “rise or drop” of blood sugar levels. It’s not just the diabetic people who must be watchful about their blood sugar. Everyone needs to keep an eye as frequent spikes in blood glucose levels can exhaust you physically and mentally. It can set your body to resist insulin. Adding low-glycemic fruits to your weekly diet routine can help regulate your blood sugars the entire day. Their high fiber content also lowers cholesterol, reduces risks of heart disorders, and supports satiety.

Top 12 Fruits That Are Low Glycemic

Looking for what fruits are low in sugar? Different fruits are low glycemic and you can safely include them in your meal if you have diabetes or want to control your high blood sugar levels. The following are the names:

1. Strawberries

Delicious and nutritious, strawberries are relatively fruits with a low GI score of 41. According to a study, these nutrient-dense fruits can be consumed in different ways to control type 2 diabetes. Strawberries contain a high vitamin C content known for significant antioxidant effects and can help reduce inflammation contributing to diabetes. They are also packed with dietary fiber, which slows down glucose absorption in the body and prevents rapid blood sugar spikes. Moreover, strawberries contain natural sugar, so they can fulfill your sugar cravings without impacting your blood glucose levels. Thus making them a healthier alternative to sugar-rich desserts and snacks.

2. Plums or Prunes

Plums are found as fresh fruit or in dried form, known as prunes. The juicy plums have a low glycemic score of 40, while prunes(dried form) have a GI of 29, making them an ideal addition to your sugar-free diet. You can enjoy these mineral-rich and vitamin-rich fruits in monsoon seasons without worries, as they won’t cause blood sugar spikes. They are also brimming with soluble fiber, helping maintain stable blood sugar levels. Prunes are an excellent option for people struggling with constipation as they are potent laxatives. The fiber in them absorbs water, adds bulk to the stool, and softens it. As a result, this causes stool to pass quickly, preventing constipation.

Also Read:What Foods to Avoid with Diabetes

3. Avocado

Avocados are the powerhouse of nutrients, having a low glycemic index. They are the perfect option for people conscious about their blood sugar level as their GI score is below 40. Fruits are rich in essential minerals, fiber, and healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats. These fats promote a healthy heart and help control blood glucose levels. Also, if you have diabetes and are struggling with being overweight, the addition of avocados to your everyday diet can reduce the excess body fat. Being rich in potassium, these nutritious fruits support blood pressure regulation, contributing to overall health.

4. Kiwi

Kiwi is an excellent low glycemic fruit option for people with diabetes. With a glycemic index of around 52, kiwi ranks relatively low on the glycemic scale, making it a fruit that causes a slower and more gradual rise in blood sugar levels. A single kiwi fruit contains only around 8 grams of carbohydrates yet provides a good amount of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K, which are beneficial for overall health. Additionally, kiwi is packed with antioxidants that may help reduce diabetes-related inflammation. When consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet, kiwi’s combination of low glycemic impact, fiber content, and nutrient density make it a smart choice for individuals with diabetes looking to incorporate tasty, fruity options while managing their blood sugar levels effectively.

5. Grapes

If you are looking for fruits low in sugar for diabetes, grapes are a readily available option. The ranking of grapes’ glycemic index is 53, making them nutrient-dense fruits with low glycemic index. The grape’s skin is highly fiber-rich, allowing the body to absorb the glucose slowly. This is why the GI of grapes does not lead to quick spikes in blood sugar levels. These fruits also provide plenty of antioxidants, essential minerals, and vitamin B6. These potent nutrients help improve digestion, enhance brain function, and lift mood. Moreover, they fight off inflammation, prevent risks of cardiovascular disorders, and enrich gut health with good bacteria.

6. Cherries

Cherries’ glycemic index score is 20. Being a low GI snack, they can be an ideal choice for diabetic people. The sweet cherries can help fulfill the sweet cravings without any significant spike in blood sugar levels. They are also a great source of potassium, fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants, boosting your immune system and heart health. As cherries are highly packed with antioxidants, they can efficiently fight against inflammation and oxidative stress. Both these factors are responsible for managing diabetes. As cherries have short growing seasons, you can get canned tart cherries, having a GI score of 41. They are also considered low-GI fruits. But make sure to check the sugar content in such canned cherries.

6. Peaches

Juicy and flavorful, these qualities can make you love the peaches. With a GI score 42 and only 68 calories, peaches are nutritious fruits for people with diabetes. These delicious fruits contain dietary fibers, vitamins K, A, and C, and antioxidants like beta carotene, choline, lutein, and zeaxanthin. The vitamins found in the fruits help promote overall health, and their antioxidant effects are precious for diabetic people. They are a great, delicious alternative to a calorie-packed food. You can get the most out of the peaches by eating their skin as it consists of high fiber content. A giant peach’s skin contributes 3 g of fiber.

7. Guava

Guava tops the list of low-glycemic fruits with a GI score of 12. You can include this fruit or eat it as a delicious snack. Being rich in fiber can make you feel full for a longer time, which can help you maintain stable blood glucose levels. As guava has a low GI, it can offer a tremendous sweet indulgence without causing any rise in blood sugar. Also, this sweet fruit is a powerhouse of fiber, antioxidants, and Vitamin C, which promotes good digestion and immunity. Keep in mind that always eat the guava with peel-off as this reduces the triglycerides and total serum cholesterol.

8. Apples

With a GI score 39, Apples are one of the lowest glycemic fruits. Apple is commonly available and popular as they are the favorite fruit of people in America. You might have heard that eating apples regularly can keep the doctors away. The saying is true, as apples help control high blood sugar. As per the research, intake of apples can lower the risks of type 2 diabetes. As these fruits are highly fiber-rich, they take a long time to get digested. Thus, this prevents the dangers of insulin spikes and blood glucose levels. Moreover, apples contain a natural sugar called fructose, different from the sugar in sugar desserts and candy, causing blood sugar spikes.

9. Oranges

Oranges are the fruits with the lowest glycemic index. Their GI score is 40, and they are known to offer a high amount of vitamin C. The Vitamin C present in the fruits not only specifically supports diabetes management but also benefits overall health. It greatly aids in reducing the risks of inflammation and oxidative stress. Managing both of these factors is essential for individuals with diabetes to prevent further health complications. They are also loaded with dietary fiber and various antioxidants, contributing to stable blood glucose levels. Calcium in oranges is vital for maintaining healthy bones and nerve function.

9. Avocados

Avocados are an excellent low-glycemic fruit option for people with diabetes. It has a glycemic index (GI) value of around 15, considered very low. Foods with a low GI cause a slower, more gradual rise in blood sugar levels. A single avocado contains about 7 grams of fiber, which helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates and prevents blood sugar spikes. The low glycemic index fruits are high in monounsaturated fats, which can help improve insulin sensitivity and better regulate blood sugar levels. Unlike many other fruits, avocados contain virtually no sugar. This makes them a safe, diabetes-friendly fruit option.

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10. Grapefruits

Grapefruits are not sweet compared to the other fruits we have listed in the article. However, what they lack in taste, is composed in nutrition. Grapefruits are considered low glycemic fruits with a GI score of 25. They are whole pink fruits that incorporate 92 mg of vitamin C, 100% of the body’s daily requirement. Moreover, the fruits contain 2-4 g of fiber and 91% water. This remarkable consistency of water and fiber makes grapefruits very filling. Fiber in them helps slow down digestion. You can have such delicious fruits as a midday snack or breakfast to keep frequent cravings at bay and prevent spikes in blood sugar levels.

Things To Consider When Having Low GI Fruits

Along with the Glycemic Index(GI), Portion Control and Glycemic Load(GL) are the two main factors you must consider when eating low-glycemic fruits. As the Glycemic Index tells how quickly fruits cause spikes in blood sugar levels, Glycemic Load(GL) estimates how fast fruits cause glucose to enter the blood and how much content of sugar they deliver. GL takes both portion size and glycemic index of the fruits into account. If you consume low-glycemic fruits in excess quantities, it can affect your blood sugar levels.

Therefore, it is essential to watch your portion sizes to ensure that your food’s overall glycemic load remains within a required range that supports blood sugar regulation. A glycemic load below 10 is considered low, and above 20 is high. Better seek professional help as they will guide you with a complete Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load of Fruits Chart with proper portion control. Using the GLand GI fruit chart as an informative reference, you can find which fruits suit you and what amount.

Summing Up

Low-glycemic fruits are a great addition to your everyday diet, especially if you have diabetes. Packed with plenty of nutrients, these fruits help balance your blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol levels, strengthen your immune system, and even aid gut health. Low GI fruits benefit your overall well-being by reducing the risks of several health issues related to high or low blood sugar levels. We hope you understand the effectiveness of all the mentioned low GI fruits in this article. Please include them in your breakfast or midday meal today and experience healthy results.

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